Pilgrim’s Food Masters Ireland Ltd – Gender Pay Gap Report 2022

The Gender Pay Gap Information Act 2021 was signed into law on 13 July, 2021, and the subsequent Regulations were effective from 31 May, 2022.

Initially, employers with 250 or more employees on a ‘snapshot date’ of 1 June 2022 are in scope (narrowing to 150 employees in 2024 and employers with 50 or more employees in 2025). This organisation chooses Thursday 30th June 2022 as its snapshot date. Its reporting deadline is 30th December 2022. Its reporting period is 30th June 2021 to 30th June 2022.

On the snapshot date, the organisation has 1,192 fulltime employees and 20 part time employees. The company also has 221 employees on a temporary contract.

The information being reported on includes the below as per the requirements:
1. Mean hourly remuneration gap
2. Median hourly remuneration gap
3. Mean bonus remuneration gap
4. Median bonus remuneration gap
5. Mean hourly remuneration gap of part-time employees
6. Median hourly remuneration gap of part-time employees
7. Mean hourly remuneration gap of temporary contract employees
8. Median hourly remuneration gap of temporary contract employees
9. % of male employees who were paid bonus remuneration & % of female employees who were
paid bonus remuneration
10. % of male employees who received benefits in kind & % of female employees who received
benefits in kind
11. Percentage of males and females when divided into four quartiles ordered from lowest to
highest pay
a) Lower remuneration quartile pay band
b) Lower middle remuneration quartile pay band
c) Upper middle remuneration quartile pay band
d) Upper remuneration quartile pay band


Gender Pay Gap Mean: 16.20%

Gender Pay Gap Median: 4.90%

Gender Pay Gap Part Time Mean: 5.60%

Gender Pay Gap Part Time Median: 3.90%

Gender Pay Gap Temporary Contract Mean: 2.00%

Gender Pay Gap Temporary Contract Median: 4.20%

Bonus Pay Gap Mean: 47.28%

Bonus Pay Gap Median: 26.94%

Bonus Pay Proportion Male: 6.50%

Bonus Pay Proportion Female: 1.90%

BIK Pay Proportion Male: 3.20%

BIK Pay Proportion Female: 2.30%

Upper Quartile Male: 65.80%

Upper Quartile Female: 34.20%

Upper-Middle Quartile Male: 62.80%

Upper-Middle Quartile Female: 37.20%

Lower-Middle Quartile Male: 62.10%

Lower-Middle Quartile Female: 37.90%

Lower Quartile Male: 39.30%

Lower Quartile Female: 60.70%

Women represent approximately 43% of our Republic of Ireland workforce and we remain committed to engaging and developing women at all levels across Pilgrim’s Food Masters. We are encouraging candidate diversity through our recruitment process and continue to support the development of our female workforces through talent and succession planning and leadership programmes.

In order to bridge the Gender Pay Gap, we will focus on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging as it is critical to our success. We will continue to analyse all our data to understand the barriers that face